Set: database_match_archive_member = "true" to "false" In Online Updater menu - Update Core Info files, and add the Arcade - FinalBurn Neo core Set Core Info folder to writable location on Android, e.g. Create the coreinfo folder described below.I tested it on everything from Asteroids to Street Fighter III 3rd Strike and everything works without touching any roms as the core or dat changes. This tip I saw on libretro forums works PERFECTLY for scanning and finding all your Arcade roms. Furthermore, who wants to regularly maintain a romset with clrmamepro. Console emulator has always been the thing I understood the easiest.FinalBurn Neo is off to a great start, but the romset is currently in a state of flux with frequent DAT updates. There are ROMs, but then there are also SAMPLES, and some sets are merged while others are split. I'm a complete noob when it comes to arcade emulation. I suppose an alternative is to piece together the set myself by finding the required ROMs from the various sets around the Internet, but I'm hoping for an already available set that I can grab.

Is there someone that can help me out? Thanks in advance. I basically want the FBA emulator to show EVERY game as playable (not missing) - the complete set, which according to the emulator is over 6000+ games. I have the option of using a set that has 2000 files, or another that has 5000 files, etc. The number of ROMs available in each "complete" set differs wildly. I also have some version of a FinalBurn NEO ROM Set downloaded. I downloaded the "MAME 0.37b5" ROM Set before realizing that it isn't what I'm supposed to use for FBA. I've searched and previous posts on Reddit, without finding an answer that I'm satisfied with. The FBA emulator I have installed on the RG350 shows version which is what led me to believe this is also the ROM set I will need. I'm having enormous difficulty finding the Romset for FBA. The FBA Emulator on RG350 shows there should be 5807 ROMs, yet the "complete" set I found is said to have 5646 ROMs total. If you're curious, just search for FBA on YouTube, which is where I found the download links. Edit: I managed to find a complete set, including images.